Do you know what to say to a young person in trouble?
Across the country, one in five young people lives with a mental health or substance use challenge, yet few reach out for support. That’s why it’s so important we all know how to recognize and respond when a young person may be in need.
Please share our newest PSA “Said No Teen Ever,” because we know there are signs that tell us when a young person might be suffering, but it’s up to us to know what to say and how to help. Youth Mental Health First Aid teaches adults how to reach out to a young person in need to get them the care they need.
You can also share these four PSAs to highlight mental health challenges that young people experience every day like anxiety, depression, eating disorders and self-harm.
Our trained Youth Mental Health First Aiders know the signs and symptoms of a mental health issue and how to respond. If you are trained, take your training one step further, share these videos, encourage others to get trained in Youth Mental Health First Aid and help advocate for young people’s mental health and connecting them to the support they may need. If you haven’t been trained, sign up for a course today.
Thank you for all you do each day to raise our country’s mental health awareness.
Joe Padilla speaks during the sixth-annual Community Behavioral Health Conference in Denson. The event brought together more than 30 community organizations and guest speakers to discuss the mental health service needs across Texoma. MICHAEL HUTCHINS/HERALD DEMOCRAT